summer program
Index> Summer Programme> Scholarship>

Types and Eligibility for Scholarships

1. Subject to the Regulations for Obtaining Scholarships, Xiamen Academy provides a limited number of scholarships to qualified applicants based on financial need and merit, as set out in section 4.

2. Xiamen Academy offers two types of scholarships:

2.1. A-type scholarship includes:

(1) Full exemption of the registration fee;

(2) A limited subsidy for the trip to and from the recipient’s city to Xiamen:

a. RMB 3,000 for recipients from Asian countries (excluding recipients from China), or

b. RMB 4,500 for recipients from non-Asian countries, or

c. Full reimbursement of round-trip hard-seat train tickets or second class seats D-trains (Dongche) tickets for recipients from Mainland China, or

d. Reimbursement of travel expenses up to RMB 1,500 for recipients from Hong Kong SAR, Macau SAR and Chinese Taipei.

2.2. B-type scholarship includes full exemption of the registration fee.

3. Selected participants will receive their scholarships during the Summer Programme. However, scholarship recipients must attend for the full duration of the summer programme. Failure to do so will result in the revocation of the scholarship.

4. Scholarships are granted mainly based upon consideration of academic performance and financial status, among other factors. The country of origin of the applicants will also be taken into consideration to promote a balanced representation of participants from different countries.

For Chinese Mainland applicants, the granting of scholarship is solely based on financial need. Therefore, a certificate of financial status must be submitted to prove the financial status of the applicant. This certificate may be issued by the applicant’s university or local authority. Before applying for the Academy’s scholarship, applicants are encouraged to exhaust other possible means of financial assistance and it is recommended that applicants also consult their own universities and institutions regarding financial assistance.

5. Application for scholarship shall be submitted in a separate document indicating the type of scholarship. Applicants could submit any additional documents they consider helpful to demonstrate their academic ability and financial status.

Scholarship Regulations.docx